Liposuction Liverpool | Liverpool Lipo | Weightloss Surgery

Liposuction Surgery (Liposculpture)

Liposuction is one of the most popular types of cosmetic surgeries there is available. The procedure is becoming more and more popular for people aiming to achieve a more proportioned body shape and desirable figure. Here at Liverpool Cosmetic Clinic, we work with some of the UK’s leading plastic surgeons to ensure that you receive the best possible results. Liposuction, or liposculpture as it’s sometimes known as, is the surgical procedure used to remove any unwanted fat, to help reshape specific areas of the body. However, it can often be mistakenly seen as a quick weight loss solution. Some of the most common areas where people choose to have liposuction include the abdomen, arms, buttocks, calves and ankles, chest and back, hips and thighs and neck.

Reasons for liposuction surgery

Some people choose to have liposuction surgery with the hope of boosting their own self-confidence, which can stem from a number of issues personal to the patient. For example, if someone has undergone a significant weight loss, stubborn fat pockets can sometimes remain afterwards. Therefore, for the areas which cannot be addressed through exercise or a healthy diet, liposuction could then be considered. One of the main intentions of the procedure is to help eliminate trouble spots made up from areas of stubborn fat.

One of the most common reasons for people choosing the liposuction procedure is the aim of reshaping your body. This does not, however, mean that the surgery is for individuals who are carrying extra weight which they would like removed. Liposuction can be used to achieve a more proportionate body shape helping you get the figure you deserve, thus enhancing self-confidence and allowing previously unsuitable clothes to be worn. In some cases, following the procedure, there is a slight possibility that the fat cells will return to the same place. Hence, liposuction is not advertised as a miracle treatment to remove fat indefinitely. In order to maintain the results achieved after the surgery, you will need to kick start a healthy lifestyle, including a nutritious diet and regular exercise.

Studies have shown that liposuction surgery can actually be beneficial in terms of improving your overall health. A leading researcher in the field of cosmetic surgery has found that the surgery can reduce triglycerides or fat cells in the blood. Triglycerides are already naturally produced by your body, although high levels can lead to an increased risk for heart disease. The study found that patients with high levels of triglycerides had a 43%  reduction after liposuction. We have also found that post-surgery, some people’s overall motivation to pursue a healthier lifestyle rapidly increases, as the results achieved after the surgery gives people the willpower to maintain their desired body shape through the use of diet and exercise.

The liposuction operation

At Liverpool Cosmetic Clinic, we connect you to expert surgeons across the UK. The procedure is carried out under general anaesthetic for any significant amount of liposuction, although an epidural anaesthetic may be used for lower parts of the body and small areas of liposuction can be carried out under local anaesthetic so that the patient is awake during surgery. The surgeon carrying out the operation would mark the area on your body as to where the fat is to be removed. The procedure involves a narrow metal tube which is inserted into small incisions made previously in the skin around the area. After the tube has been inserted, it’s moved around the area of the fatty tissue to remove the fat using either a vacuum pump or syringe. After the surgery has been carried out there will be substantial bruising, numbness and swelling, however, this does depend on the size of the area treated. The bruising and discolouration can sometimes last for around a month and the swelling may take considerably longer to settle down. Thus the final results of the liposuction won’t actually be visible for several months after the surgery. However, liposuction may also be performed on smaller areas of the face such as the neck and chin and should only require a few days off from work.

Any fatty lumps or small scars from the procedure caused by the suction cannula should settle down fairly quickly. The incisions are usually done in areas of the body where they are the least visible. You will normally be advised to wear a compression garment for approximately 6 weeks after the operation and any strenuous exercise should not be undertaken for 4 weeks. You should also seek advice regarding driving from your surgeon, depending upon the area which has been operated on.

Bruising and swelling after surgery can sometimes last up to six months. Numbness should disappear in 6 to 8 weeks, along with scarring, inflammation of the treated area and fluid coming from the cuts. Liposuction can, in rare circumstances, result in problems such as bleeding under the skin, persistent numbness and others issues which will be discussed in more depth with the Consultant Plastic Surgeon during the consultation. As with any operation, small risks will always be involved, including, excessive bleeding, infection, blood clots in a vein or an allergic reaction to the anaesthetic.

You will normally be advised to wear a compression garment or elasticated bandage for approximately 6 weeks post operatively, strenuous exercise should not be undertaken for 4 at least weeks after surgery and you should seek advice regarding driving from your surgeon, dependent upon the area which has been treated.

Liposuction FAQ

Will I have scars following Liposuction surgery?

Following Liposuction, any scars are small, measuring just a few millimitres and which normally fade within a few months.

How will I feel following the procedure?

You can expect some bruising, swelling and inflammation of the treated liposuction area/s and any numbness experienced should subside in approximately 6-8 weeks post-surgery. If weight is gained following liposuction, the area treated can also gain weight. It is therefore advisable to adopt a healthy lifestyle and diet to retain the results of your treatment.

What is the maximum amount of fat removal?

The volume of fat removal may vary from a few mllilites to several litres of fat. The upper limit of fat removal is approximately 3-4 litres, which is done to reduce any risks of potential complications. For larger amounts of fat removal, multiple surgeries will be recommended and ff you are only having a small amount of fat removed, a local anaesthetic may be an option for your liposuction procedure.


When can I drive after Liposuction surgery?

Your surgeon will normally recommend resuming driving depending upon where the liposuction has been performed, whether you have had a general or local anaesthetic and if the liposuction has been combined with another procedure.

How long after Liposuction surgery should I exercise?

You are advised to not to commence strenuous exercise until 4 weeks following your Liposuction procedure, for larger treatment areas.

However, all the benefits, risks and your expectations of the liposuction (liposculpture) procedure will be discussed further and explained thoroughly during your consultation with a fully registered Consultant Plastic Surgeon with Liverpool Cosmetics Clinic.

Get in contact with Liverpool Cosmetic Clinic to organise your procedure on 0151 329 0866 or fill out an online contact form for your nearest clinic here.

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