Scar Expert Witness Liverpool
Published by ClinicManager
If you find that you have stubborn areas of fat deposits around the tummy, thighs, hips, buttocks, knees or arms which cannot be addressed through exercise or healthy eating, then Liposuction commonly known as Lipo may be considered. This method of removing bulky fat to re shape the body can be extremely effective, but must not be confused with a procedure to reduce weight. It is believed that fat cells are not regenerated during the life of an adult, therefore the results from performing Liposuction can be permanent, if a healthy body weight is maintained. The possible benefits of Lipo are that the fat is removed so that the body feels more in proportion, thus enhancing self-confidence and allowing previously unsuitable clothes to be worn.
Liposuction may also be performed on smaller areas of the face such as the neck and chin and should only require a few days off from work.
The Liposuction procedure involves a narrow metal tube being inserted into small incisions in the skin, where the tube is then moved around the area of fatty tissue to remove the fat using a vacuum pump or syringe. There will be greater bruising, numbness and swelling after the procedure, depending on the size of the area treated. The bruising and discolouration may last for approximately 1 month and the swelling can take considerably longer to settle down, with the final results of the Liposuction procedure not visible for several months. Any fatty lumps from the procedure or small scars from the suction cannulae should settle down and the incisions are normally positioned in less visible areas where possible.
You will normally be advised to wear a compression garment for approximately 6 weeks post operatively, strenuous exercise should not be undertaken for 4 weeks after surgery and you should seek advice regarding driving from your surgeon, dependent upon the area which has been treated.
Will I have any scars following Liposuction surgery?
Following Liposuction, any scars are small, measuring just a few millimitres and which normally fade within a few months.
How will I feel following the Liposuction procedure?
You can expect some bruising, swelling and inflammation of the treated liposuction area/s and any numbness experienced should subside in approximately 6-8 weeks post-surgery. If weight is gained following liposuction, the area treated can also gain weight. It is therefore advisable to adopt a healthy lifestyle and diet to retain the results of your treatment.
What is the maximum amount of fat removal?
The volume of fat removal may vary from a few mllilites to several litres of fat. The upper limit of fat removal is approximately 3-4 litres, which is done to reduce any risks of potential complications. For larger amounts of fat removal, multiple surgeries will be recommended and ff you are only having a small amount of fat removed, a local anaesthetic may be an option for your liposuction procedure.
When can I drive after Liposuction surgery?
Your surgeon will normally recommend resuming driving depending upon where the liposuction has been performed, whether you have had a general or local anaesthetic and if the liposuction has been combined with another procedure.
How long after Liposuction surgery should I exercise?
You are advised to not to commence strenuous exercise until 4 weeks following your Liposuction procedure, for larger treatment areas.
Further benefits, risks and your expectations will be discussed and explained during your consultation with a fully registered Consultant Plastic Surgeon.
For more information contact us here.
Male Breast Reduction
I went to see Mr Akhtar after years of self-confidence regarding my chest area (gynecomastia). I wanted Mr Akhtar as he had done procedure to a family member of mine in the past and the results from that was amazing. Mr Akhtar made me feel comfortable from the moment I walked into the room for my first consultation.
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