Scar Expert Witness Liverpool
Published by ClinicManager
Many men are now opting for the Tummy Tuck procedure due to residual lose and saggy skin around the abdomen from obesity, weight loss surgery, or the ageing process. Skin laxity and stretching of the abdominal muscles may also cause stretch marks, all of which can be embarrassing and may affect levels of self-confidence. Stretch marks (striae) normally occur on the lower abdomen area and whilst they cannot be eradicated, they may appear less obvious by the stretching and excising involved in the procedure. Exercise alone may not be sufficient to combat stubborn areas of fat and where an apron of skin is formed, hanging down over the pubic area. This can be the origin of rashes, discomfort, hygiene issues and may present difficulties in wearing certain clothes, especially swimwear and light weight clothing.
The standard Abdominoplasty operation involves the removal of fat and loose skin to the abdomen wall between the pubic area and the navel, aiming to produce a smoother and flatter abdomen. The umbilicus is left in place whilst the skin is drawn down to the level of the pubis, leaving a scar around the umbilicus. The scar is normally of a long and curved appearance across the lower part of the abdominal wall and some liposuction may be performed, to obtain a more desirable surgical outcome. There are several different types of Tummy Tuck procedures leaving scarring which will be discussed with you during your consultation. Your surgeon will aim to conceal the scars to be as inconspicuous as possible, located around the navel and pubic hairline area. After approximately 6 weeks, any scars should thicken and become reddened fading over a period of 6-12 months.
The Tummy Tuck procedure should not be regarded as a way to lose weight and although the results of the procedure are usually permanent, excessive weight change will affect surgical outcome. It is advantageous to have reached your desired weight prior to surgery and to maintain a stable weight where possible, to avoid further stretching of the skin. There may be temporary or permanent numbness and swelling after the procedure, plus you will be advised to wear a compression garment for approximately 6 weeks post operatively. Strenuous exercise should not be undertaken for 6 weeks after surgery and you should refrain from driving for approximately 2 weeks.
Further benefits, risks and your expectations will be discussed and explained during your consultation with a fully registered Consultant Plastic Surgeon.
Contact us for more information.
Male Breast Reduction
I went to see Mr Akhtar after years of self-confidence regarding my chest area (gynecomastia). I wanted Mr Akhtar as he had done procedure to a family member of mine in the past and the results from that was amazing. Mr Akhtar made me feel comfortable from the moment I walked into the room for my first consultation.
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