Advice on moles from Liverpool Cosmetic ClinicPublished on 18th June 2014
Checking your moles – information from Liverpool Cosmetic Clinic
At Liverpool Cosmetic Clinic, our highly experienced Plastic Surgeons recommend that you should check your skin every few months for any new moles that develop (particularly after your teenage years, when new moles become less common) or any changes to existing moles. A mole may change over a period of weeks or months.
Things to look for include the following:
moles with uneven colouring – most moles only have one or two colours, but melanomas have lots of different shades moles with an uneven or ragged edge – moles are usually circular or oval with a smooth border, bleeding, itching, red, inflamed (swollen) or crusty moles, moles that get a lot bigger – most moles are no bigger than the width of a pencil.
A helpful way to remember what to look for when checking your moles is to use the ABCDE method.
A – asymmetry
B – border irregularity
C – colour change
D – diameter
E – elevated (raised) or enlarged
For concerns or information on moles, contact Liverpool Cosmetic Clinic today for an appointment with a highly trained Consultant Plastic Surgeon:
0151 329 0866
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