Liverpool Consulting Rooms

Medical consulting rooms and treatment rooms at Rodney Street Liverpool.

Rodney Street is a prestigious city centre address offering rooms for medical professionals, counsellors, therapists and psychotherapists, which is convenient for rail, bus and motorway access. With flexible opening hours, including weekends and evenings, affordable packages and friendly staff, 47 Rodney Street is an ideal location offering the following benefits:

Our highly furbished rooms cater for aesthetic treatments, medical consultations, examinations, counselling or therapies and are equipped with a couch, screen, sink and staffed reception area for waiting.

For further information regarding our medical consulting rooms ideally situated in Liverpool, Merseyside please contact Melissa today: Email:

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0% Finance Available.

To ensure you make the right decision for you, without having to compromise, we have 0% finance available on most of our procedures.

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Our Ethos.

Our team of experts are friendly, professional and aspire to deliver the highest level of service ensuring patient confidentiality at all times, in a safe environment.

We understand what a huge step it is to contemplate Cosmetic Surgery or non-surgical treatments and we are there for you every step of the way.

Book An Appointment.

Contact us today to enquire about our treatments and procedures: Non-surgical clinics - Liverpool & Wirral
Cosmetic surgery clinics - Manchester and Yorkshire : Consultation fee £150.00.
Complete the form below, or alternatively call us today to discuss your requirements.

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    Liverpool Cosmetic Clinic - armlift

    Liverpool Skin Care Products

    Published by: LiverpoolCosmeticClinic

    Aesthetic Skin Care Products   At Liverpool Cosmetic and Aesthetic Clinic, we are regularly asked to recommend good skincare brands for daily use, to compliment aesthetic treatments and for postoperative skin care. The favourite among our staff is the Crystal Clear Stay Young range.     The award winning products are suitable for all skin […]

    Our Hospitals

    All Cosmetic Surgery procedures are performed in Care Quality Commission (CQC) safe environments at local private hospitals in Manchester and Yorkshire

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