Liverpool Cosmetic Clinic Skin CamouflagePublished on 20th January 2018

Skin Camouflage


Jane McPhail specialises in cosmetic skin camouflage treatments suitable for the following skin conditions:


The specialist cosmetic skin camouflage products are designed to disguise a dominant colour or to blend with the natural colour of the surrounding skin to camouflage scarring or skin conditions.


A skin camouflage appointment and colour matching session is necessary to find the optimum match for the surrounding tissues, by blending various shades of skin camouflage products.


These are then applied to the area and set with a finishing powder to help prevent movement of the specialist creams by clothing or water.


Using expert skin camouflage tuition by Jane McPhail, these cosmetic camouflage products provide a natural finish and are waterproof unlike commercially available concealers, foundations or beauty products.


Call to arrange an appointment today: 07793 738456


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