Liverpool Thread Vein Removal TreatmentPublished on 8th August 2016

Treatment for thread veins in Liverpool

Why select us for thread vein removal treatment?


The consultation process for thread vein removal is equally as important as the thread vein treatment itself, therefore we ensure each patient has a full clinical examination by a highly qualified doctor at our Liverpool clinic:


Doctor led clinic
Revolutionary Veinwave treatment
Proven non-invasive techniques with instant results
No laser use during any treatments
No scarring, burning or pigmentation


Call today to arrange your consultation with our highly trained doctor and take the first step to treating thread veins to the following problem areas:

🔹Facial thread veins
🔹Nose thread veins
🔹Leg thread veins


Call : 0151 329 0866 to arrange your appointment today!


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All Cosmetic Surgery procedures are performed in Care Quality Commission (CQC) safe environments at local private hospitals in Manchester and Yorkshire

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