Tummy Tuck Surgery LiverpoolPublished on 10th March 2019
Tummy Tuck Surgery Information
What is Tummy Tuck surgery?
Abdominoplasty surgery also known as tummy tuck surgery is an operation to remove excess skin and fat from the stomach, which can also address tightening of the stomach muscles. The plastic surgeon will undertake a full assessment prior to surgery and it is advisable to reach a stable weight, achieve a body mass index within the safe cosmetic surgery guideline and to refrain from smoking for 4-6 weeks before surgery.
Why have a Tummy Tuck operation?
This surgery is suitable to remove loose skin caused by pregnancy, weight loss or weight gain, however tummy tuck surgery is not a weight loss solution and is not performed to lose weight. The procedure can also remove scarring, stretch marks and excess fat. Abdominoplasty surgery can repair the stomach wall muscles (divarification of the recti).
Are there scars following Tummy Tuck surgery?
The most common surgery is the standard abdominoplasty surgery, however there are additional options such as a mini tummy tuck, extended abdominoplasty, extended and the Fleur de Lis techniques. In some cases, the cosmetic surgeons may also suggest some liposuction to achieve the best result. Following surgery there will be some visible scarring which is usually across the lower abdomen area and can normally be concealed by underwear. Initially the stomach will look and feel strange, however swelling should ease and the tummy should start to feel better within a few months and gradually over approximately 12 months, scarring should fade.
What to expect following the procedure?
The tummy tuck operation normally takes approximately 3 hours in theatre under general anaesthetic and will require 2-3 nights in hospital. After tummy tuck surgery, resting is very important and it is necessary to take things easy initially as the tummy will be tight, sore and swollen for several weeks. A tight-fitting support pressure garment will be fitted to help recovery. The corset will help to reduce any swelling and pain, particularly during the first month. Time from work is recommended to recover for up to four weeks, depending on which type of surgery is performed.
Is it possible to drive after Abdominoplasty surgery?
Your surgeon will normally recommend resuming driving approximately 2 weeks after surgery has been performed, to assist with recovery and for insurance purposes.
How long after surgery should exercise?
It is recommended not to commence strenuous exercise until 6 weeks following your tummy tuck procedure.
For further information on abdominoplasty procedure and techniques visit British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons BAAPS
You can also read more on abdominoplasty here
For extra skin and fat removal from the abdomen and to achieve a flatter stomach, tummy tuck surgery could be an ideal procedure to achieve a successful outcome. After significant weight loss or following pregnancy, unfortunately diet and exercise alone are not always sufficient to address loose skin. Our highly skilled cosmetic surgeons in Liverpool and Manchester provide assessments and consultations to discuss the risks and benefits of abdominoplasty surgery. For a suitable patient, tummy tuck surgery can improve quality of life and enhance confidence.
Take the first step and contact Liverpool Cosmetic Clinic today for confidential advice or to arrange your your tummy tuck surgery with a plastic surgeon in Liverpool, Merseyside or Rochdale, Manchester. Our cosmetic surgeons are highly skilled in post weight loss surgeries and can help you make the right choice for you.
Please click on the button below to contact us.